How To Use Glow-in-the-Dark Pigment Powders

Apr 26, 2022

When you’re a crafter, you use all sorts of materials to make your projects stand out. Many people love glow-in-the-dark pigment powders because they add a bit of flair to your creations. Plus, this type of pigment powder looks great at any time of day. In this post, we’ll explore how to use glow-in-the-dark pigment powders so you can purchase this product for your next project.

What Is Glow-in-the-Dark Pigment?

Glow-in-the-dark pigment differs from other mica powders because of its incredible ability to look outstanding whether the lights are on or off. This type of pigment works by absorbing the energy put out by a light source and then storing it so it can glow in the dark.

Tips for Making It Glow

To get your powder to glow, you’ll have to place the object you applied it to under a direct light source for a specified period. Some powders may need to sit under light longer than others. Powders sold by Eye Candy Pigments only need to “charge” for a few minutes to glow for eight to 10 hours.

Is Glow-in-the-Dark Color Changing?

While glow-in-the-dark differs from color-changing pigment powder, you may still notice a shift in shade or color when the lights go out. Some glow-in-the-dark pigments appear white until you activate their amazing ability—when you turn off the lights, their true colors shine!

Pro Tip: Choose the Right Powder

As you shop for the perfect material, look at whether the color changes in the dark. You’ll want to evaluate how the powder looks in the light and the dark to pick the best one for your creation.

Micron Size Matters

The size of the microns matters because if they’re too large, the powder is less likely to glow the same. Most artsy experts recommend using powders with mica pearls that are 13 to 45 microns in size because the powder shines better and is much easier to blend with other mediums.

Why It Stands Out

Everything looks cooler when it glows in the dark. Plus, glow-in-the-dark pigment powder adds some unmatchable detail. Crafters of all ages love this pigment because of its ability to glow. Better, this material is incredibly versatile, so you can use it to make candles, paint, and more.

Tips for Using Glow-in-the-Dark Pigments

Every medium is different, so how you use glow-in-the-dark pigments depends on what you plan to blend with the powder. Additionally, the amount of powder you will need depends on whether you prefer an opaque or solid look; for a transparent appearance, use less powder.

As you use this powder, keep in mind that using more pigment won’t make the object glow longer. However, mixing in more powder could make your project look brighter since the appearance is less see-through. It’s also worth noting that, sometimes, certain colors seem to glow better than others due to how they reflect light. Below, we’ll dive deeper into how to use glow-in-the-dark pigment powders. 

Pay Attention to Ratios

The amount of pigment powder you’ll need will vary depending on:

  • The material you work with
  • How opaque you want it
  • The color you’ll use

Noting all of this before starting your project will ensure that you make your creative vision a reality as you apply the correct amount of powder. Every material is different, so the amount of pigment you need could vary depending on the material and the size of your project. For example, if you plan to paint a ceramic sculpture, the amount of pigment required differs from what you would need to paint your car.

Example: Glow-in-the-Dark Pigment and Paint

Plenty of crafters mix glow-in-the-dark paint powder with different paints, and, in this example, we’ll talk about acrylic paint. When mixing with acrylic paint, use a 2 to 1 ratio with two parts powder to one part paint.

After adding your powder, mix well. Since glow-in-the-dark pigment powder won’t show its true potential until you flick the lights off, consider painting a small area and then storing the rest or applying one layer of color to your entire project. Once it dries, hold it under the light for a few minutes, and then test it out. If it doesn’t glow as much as you’d like, add extra pigment powder to your paint until you achieve your desired look.

Example: Glow-in-the-Dark Pigment and Resin

Mixing your pigment powder with epoxy resin can be a challenge since the powder doesn’t always break down. If you run into this, mix a bit of denatured alcohol with the pigment and stir it before blending it with the resin.

How To Apply Glow Pigments

A little pigment powder goes a long way, so you should begin with the lowest recommended ratio no matter what type of material you work with. You can always add more powder, but you cannot take it away once you add it.

Fun Crafts for Glow-in-the-Dark Pigments

When it comes to creating things that glow in the dark, your options are endless! You can use it to refinish your counters, make fishing lures, and so much more! Many use this powder to create glow-in-the-dark slime, while others use it for lotion or candles. Any creative project you can think of will look even cooler when it glows with the lights off.

Pro Tip: Check Product Specifications

If you plan to create glowing cosmetic products or bath bombs, verify that the product is safe to use on skin before mixing the materials. The last thing you want is to create an incredible body butter that causes skin irritation.

Tips for Buying Glow-in-the-Dark Pigments

As you shop around for the best glowing pigments, there are a few things to keep in mind. All brands aren’t equal, so check product reviews. Additionally, evaluate the product’s color since some pigments are naturally more luminescent than others. Finally, check the micron size as you’ll want a finer powder for this type of use.

Eye Candy Pigments

At Eye Candy Pigments, we sell all sorts of mica pigment powders, including a wide variety of glow-in-the-dark powders. Our mica powder is ultra-fine and looks amazing whether the lights are on or off. Create something that looks amazing day and night!

How To Use Glow-in-the-Dark Pigment Powders