Understanding How Color-Changing Pigments Work

Jun 14, 2022

Color-changing pigments and paints are amazing phenomenons that amaze anyone who looks at them. There are three different kinds of color-changing pigments: goniochromic, thermochromic, and photochromic. While all three can have a beautiful visual effect, our pigments are goniochromic, so we’ll focus on that type of color change. Keep reading to learn how goniochromic color-changing pigments work.

What Does Goniochromic Mean?

Let’s be honest, goniochromic is just a fancy word for iridescent. If something is iridescent, it’s surface appears to gradually change colors as you alter the visual or lighting angle. That means that if you move from one spot to another while looking at something iridescent or move the light shining on the iridescent object, it will appear to change color. In nature, we see iridescence in minerals, butterfly wings, and even certain seashells. Those natural sources, specifically the minerals, are how we make our color-changing pigments.

How Do Color-Changing Pigments Work?

So how did we capture natural iridescence and successfully turn it into pigment powder? The answer is in a stone mineral called mica, which is full of shiny flakes. By grinding this stone down into a powder, we can capture all that shine and iridescence into an easy-to-use product. In order to make that product more interesting, we mix in colorants that can also shift with changing angles and lights. As a result, every aspect of our pigment powder is color changing and perfect for your creative project.

How Can You Use This Powder?

Now that you know what color-changing pigment powder is and how it works, you need to know how to use it. Our pigments are safe, non-toxic, and cruelty-free. So you can use them in almost any creative project, from soap-making to resin art. Because this art supply is so versatile, there are no regulated measurements for how much powder to add to each project. Start by adding pinches of pigment powder to the base of your project and thoroughly combine it to determine if it has the desired effect. If it doesn’t look as shiny or as colorful as you want, just add more powder. It’s safe to apply this powder with your hands. But to avoid a mess, you may want to use measuring instruments or brushes.

Now you understand how color-changing pigments work, what ingredients are in them, and how to use these pigments in your creative projects. If you’re interested in using color-changing pigments for the first time or replenishing your supply, head to Eye Candy Pigments. We offer various options. You can buy single packs of powder or larger collections so that you’ll always have what you need. And if you have any questions about our selection, we’ll be happy to help.